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8 Tips to Improve Your Instagram Marketing Strategy

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Today, visual media is more useful for engaging audiences rather than other traditional marketing channels, and so Instagram has become one of the best advertising platforms in digital marketing. It offers a variety of tools and interesting opportunities for marketers since it shares the same advertising interface as Facebook. There are many options to tweak and optimize your campaigns and in this article, we are sharing with you some tips you can use to improve your Instagram marketing strategy.

Why Choose to Advertise on Instagram?

Instagram is an established social networking app and is one of the most powerful tools in the market. It has over 250 million active users daily. If your brand’s target audience is between 19-34 years old, this is the place to be. 

While organic social media strategies seem cost-effective, they are time-consuming and rely on a lot of trial and error. With the ever-changing social media algorithms, it’s important to focus your strategy on doing both organic and paid advertising tactics. As a visual platform, Instagram is a great way to show off your products and services to your target market. 

Instagram is a popular network among influencers, celebrities, and brands, and its advertising platform is very versatile, which will allow you to adapt your campaigns according to your objectives and target audience.

Switch your Account into a Business Profile Account

Before you start strategizing and making your Instagram marketing plan, switch your personal account into an Instagram Business Account. Head over to your settings and click “Switch to Business Profile” to get it done.

There are benefits to having a business profile. One is that your followers will be able to click on your contact button on your profile so they can quickly get in touch with you. Two, a business profile will allow you to publish Instagram ads without having to use Facebook. You can also use Instagram’s “Insights”, its free analytics tools that can help you track your metrics and understand your audience.

Use your Insights

This free Instagram tool will let you view your statistics, such as your post’s impressions and engagement data. You can also view a breakdown of your followers’ demographics, which includes age, gender, and location. The more you know about your followers and how they interact with your posts, the better you can adjust your content to boost engagement. This can really help level up your Instagram marketing strategy.

Post Product Teasers

Product teasers are a simple way to get your follower’s attention and talk about your product without being too pushy or trying hard. When you tease people with products they are interested in, you don’t push them into buying anything. Instead, they will be more likely to get curious, eat the bait, and actually buy something. Otherwise, they will still likely engage with your post or share it with their friends.

Create Videos

We all know that Instagram has been mainly for photos. However, when it was updated to accommodate short videos and IGTV, the platform has become even more interesting than it ever was. Videos can resonate with users much more than just a photo can, and it captures their interest in just a few seconds. While a still image can already be highly engaging, using videos will allow you to share your brand’s story to your followers even more.

Instagram Marketing Strategy

Use Instagram Stories

Instagram stories can help you generate leads. These stories are displayed at the top of the timeline where users look daily. You can create highly engaging and pleasing stories that will entertain your followers, such as behind-the-scenes videos, polls, and questions. There is an array of features you can use in creating your stories like photos, live videos, rewind videos, or Boomerangs. You can also tag other accounts if you are collaborating with an influencer or another brand. And there are filters, GIFs, stickers, and texts you can use to make your stories even more visually pleasing. The content you can make with IG stories are endless!

Partner up with Influencers

If you want to widen up your reach, one great thing you can do is partner up with an influencer who has a relevant following. People nowadays are buying products and services from what they see on their timelines from the influential people they are following. If you work with a relevant influencer in your niche, you can quickly get your brand out across a wider audience. Find the right influencer, build a relationship with them, and you’ll build lasting brand awareness with a new audience. 

Post at the Right Times

Do not over-post on Instagram or else it will discourage your followers and they will be clicking the unfollow button faster than you can say “hey there!”. What you want to do is post consistently so that you will be appearing in their feed regularly. Make a schedule and post only on peak days and hours when your followers are online. Based on studies, the hours between 8-9 AM are the best time to post, while Mondays and Thursdays are the best days to upload new posts. You can also find out when your followers are most active through Instagram Insights. Research also shows that you can post up to two times per day and no more than that. 

Create Sponsored Ads

Instagram ads have become popular over time, and the best thing about it is that you can set a budget to control exactly how much you are willing to spend for them. you can make use of the carousel feature to showcase multiple ads. With sponsored posts, you can promote your brand to anyone who fits your target audience, which will increase your reach further than ever.

Create ad content that’s both engaging and appealing to your target market. You can post a photo, video, carousel, or story. 

Instagram is one of the social media platforms that has dominated the digital world. With over 800 million monthly users, this app is guaranteed to be one of the social media apps that are installed on an average person’s smartphone. This makes it an ideal platform to do some marketing and advertising. Learn the ins and outs and get to promoting. With these tips, your Instagram marketing strategy will surely improve.

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