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Top 5 Tips for Video Marketing

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Top 5 Tips for Video Marketing

By now, it’s clear that videos are an essential form of media for marketers. One proven way of boosting traffic to your website and increase conversions is to create a good video marketing strategy.  Now, creating video content for marketing can be daunting if you’ve never done it before. And although it may seem that achieving video marketing success is expensive and hard to do, it doesn’t have to be if the results are worth it. All you need is a brilliant strategy to start your journey. In this post, we will talk all about video marketing and we will give you tips for video marketing that works!

What is Video Marketing?

Video Marketing is a type of video you make and post on social media to grow your business. Usually, video marketing contents are posted to YouTube but nowadays, you can see this kind of marketing anywhere including Facebook, Instagram, and even Twitter. 

Developing a Strategy

In video marketing, you can post your content on any platform. The question here is how do you develop a reusable video content strategy template that’s guaranteed to be successful? Making videos without a specific purpose is like making a cake minus the flour – it will be a disaster. 

Here are five simple steps you can keep in mind as your video content strategy:

1. Define your purpose

Test your brand and know what makes you different from your competitors. What attracts your customers to you? What are your business’s core values? You need to figure out how your content will fit with your values and what will make it resonate with your clients. What problems are you solving and how do you solve them? When your purpose and goals are defined, it will be easier to plan content and create them. 

2. Know your audience

You must find where your audience is. Are they on Facebook? Instagram? Twitter? Snapchat? Upload your videos where your people are, not where they’re not. Spend time to define your target audience and learn about their behavior. This will save you time.


Top 5 Tips for Video Marketing


3. Know your competition

Learn what your competition is up to. Do a video content audit and find out if you are missing out on anything. Compare what you have with your competition’s video content. What are they not doing, or not doing well? You’ll be surprised at how much you’re going to learn from your competitors.


4. Create your Unique Value Proposition (UVP)

This is a marketing short-speak for creating an outline of what makes your brand special. UVP is a statement that best describes how beneficial your offer is for your customers and what differentiates you from the competition. In creating your video UVP, these are the things you should include:

  • Topics to cover
  • Style and Tone
  • Delivery of your Content

5. Build a Plan

Create your plan by breaking it down into a content marketing funnel. Include some specifics on what your content will do, such as:

  • How will this content appeal to the audience?
  • Where does the content fit into the buyer’s journey?
  • How and where should this content be delivered, used, and repurposed?

Five Video Marketing Tips You Should Know

Content creators are oftentimes disappointed when their efforts in making videos do not pay off. What if the video doesn’t appear in search engines? What if it doesn’t get enough views? 

You’ve already learned about video content strategy. It’s time to learn about the most important tips for you to succeed in this endeavor. Here are our top five video marketing tips to increase your traffic and conversions!

Create Quality Content

In making a video, one must keep in mind the importance of having quality content. A great video has a great story. The best video content tells stories that connect with the viewers. The better the story-telling, the easier it is for your viewers to understand your offers and how your company is beneficial for them. Center your video around a story and not the sale. Concentrate on the value you’re providing for your consumers and the sale will follow. 

Use the First 10 Seconds Wisely

Your amazing three-minute video will be for naught if the first few seconds won’t hook your audience. Did you know that a typical internet user’s average attention span is now just 8.5 seconds? To entice your viewers to watch the whole of your video, you need to create a hook at the beginning. The first ten seconds of your video should answer the question: “Why should I watch it?”. Don’t forget to put a great thumbnail for your video!

Optimize your Video for SEO

Strategize and take time to optimize your video marketing for SEO. What keywords do you want your video to rank high for? Include those keywords in your title, description, and tags. Give your video a unique title and a fleshed-out description so that google’s search spiders can make sense of your video and understand the content it entails. Google owns YouTube, so this search engine gives a lot of authority to YouTube videos in their organic search results. 

Create a strong call-to-action (CTA)

For marketing videos, always include CTAs. A call-to-action doesn’t always have to lead your viewers to sign-up or purchase, a video’s CTA can be as simple as:

  • Subscribing to your channel
  • Liking your video
  • Sharing the video to their friends
  • Commenting on your video

Most marketers place their CTAs at the end of the video, but it doesn’t mean that this is the only way you can do it. Experiment with your videos by putting the CTA at the start, at the middle, or the end, and determine which one gets the highest conversion rate.

Another tip is you can include a link to your website in the description box so people can go to your site by clicking on this link.

  • Upload your videos to YouTube and other platforms
  • Post your videos where your potential customers consume video content, whether it be on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, or others. 

If you haven’t thought about video marketing, now’s the time to consider it. With today’s generation being very reliant on the internet, this rich form of media with help your business gain exposure and help you get more reach. 

Are you seeking help to get you started with your video marketing journey? We have a team dedicated just for that. Inquire with us today!

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